In the charming spa town of Lambari,long ago known as the "City of Virtous Waters", Parque Hotel owns the largest resort area in Hotel of Southern Minas Gerais:300.000m²of natural woods with lakes,rivers,where our guests will find swimming pools(3 of which thermal ones),2 tennis courts,soccer fields,basketball and volleyball courts.Two saunas,wet and dry,indoor pool with cascade and showers,4 gateball courts and the most important of all:The Parque Hotel quality and tradition of good service!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Também foram plantadas 2.000 novas mudas de variadas espécies de eucaliptos,inclusive o famoso eucalipto cheiroso, que se somam as 1.000 mudas plantadas em 2007, que além de embelezar a ÁREA DE LAZER do Parque Hotel & JS Hotel, facilitarão em breve, a transição para um manejo sustentável dessas árvores que serão usadas...
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